
Hello! My name is Lucy. I grew up in Cheltenham but I now live in London where I work as both an Author and a Children's Speech and Language Therapist.
I've always loved language. Words are wonderful! Whether they're spoken or written, whether they're in nursery rhymes, poetry, picture books or novels. All my working life I’ve enjoyed working with language and with children. Luckily, both my current jobs and my previous jobs (as a nanny and as an English language teacher) enabled me to do this.
I believe that words, language and communication should be celebrated! Stories should be celebrated too and you’ll find that some of my books explore these ideas.
I started writing picture books in 2013 and found my agent, Anne Clark (of Anne Clark Literary Agency) while I was backpacking in Indonesia. There is a link to my author page on her website here.
I grew up listening to lots of poetry, from Tennyson to Dr Suess to A.A.Milne so I really love writing stories in rhyme.
As an author, I'm so lucky to have been paired with some wonderful illustrators. Seeing my texts being brought to life through pictures is my favourite part of the whole picture book process.
I also love doing author events in bookshops, schools and at festivals. You can see some photos in the gallery on my ‘Events’ page. Events are great for sharing stories with children and for hearing all the wonderful ideas that they come up with!
I blog regularly for Picture Book Den. If you would like to read my blog posts and other great posts by picture book authors and illustrators, click here.
I also write regular children’s stories for Harrods for their Mini Harrods Club readers so all this writing keeps me very busy! But, when I'm not daydreaming about story ideas or coming up with new rhymes and rhythms, I'm often thinking about my next travelling adventure or holiday.
And when I've had enough of daydreaming all together then I enjoy baking, walks in the countryside, trips to the sea and spending time with my lovely family and friends.